
Showing posts from July, 2017

Surya Namaskar: Best way to start your day by far!

Surya Namaskar: Best way to start your day by far  Have you ever felt that even after a very good work out and stretching, when you wake up the following morning, you feel quite stiff? And actually every morning, if you do not do any physical exercise, sometimes it takes a few hours to feel “back in shape”. I found it interesting to read that muscles always tend to shorten when we sleep, accounting for “stiffness” in the morning. Ray Long, the author of a great book “The Key Poses of Yoga”, explains that the brain creates “set lengths” for muscles based on regular activity. For example, if we tend to sit on the chair in the office half a day, the brain signals that this is the length of the hips required for us. Or those who do a lot of cycling and do not tend to stretch afterwards, end up with very stiff hamstrings. Consistent practise of yoga lengthens the muscles, which in turn helps to improve a range of motion throughout the body. And this creates a new “set length” in t

Are you drinking enough water?

They say that one of the secrets of the Indian yogis is that they constantly drink water, run to the toilet every 20 minutes, but live a healthy life of 200 years.    It is not that I intend to aim living for 200 years, but water has been an answer for me in many situations. I personally notice a big difference when I drink enough water as opposed to when I am dehydrated. For example, as I used to travel a lot for my job, water has been a remedy for me to recover from the long and tiring business trips. Now I don’t travel much, however maintaining the right level of hydration makes me feel more energised through the day. Why is it important to drink water? Sally Norton, the NHS weight loss consultant surgeon, health expert and writer, states the following benefits of drinking water: 1)       Boosting your brain power. The human brain has about 85% of water, so being dehydrated decreases our intellectual capacity. Actually, there were some studies made in the school

The meaning of Alamba Yoga & My Yoga Journey So Far

Good morning, I am writing this while my Husband and my Baby have a Sunday morning nap (VERY PRECIOUS TIME, WHICH CAN END ANY MINUTE J ). I have just had a shower, and placed a cup of herbal tea is on my desk, which is full of children’s books with songs in French.   I let my housework fade into the background, to allow a little bit of time to write my morning thoughts. There is something very relieving about putting on the paper your random thoughts (try it one day and see!). I have decided to start this blog for a set of reasons: 1.        To share my passion for yoga, which I personally love so much. 2.        To share some tips or facts about yoga, that will help my students and everybody who loves yoga to learn a little bit more about it and to be able to incorporate this into their very busy lives. 3.        To inspire my lovely students to keep going with yoga practise, as I truly believe that yoga helps to cope better with anything that life presents to us.