
Showing posts from August, 2017

Pawanmuktasana 1. Anti-Rheumatic Group. Part 1 (Toes and Ankles)

Sometimes if you miss a yoga class, you feel like you could really do with a gentle yet efficient workout at home. Or after a day in the office, working sat at the desk most of the time, you feel like you need to relax the stiffness and muscular tension. For this purpose I would like to share a really wonderful series of asanas called “The Pawanmuktasana Series”. In Sanskrit “Pawan” means “wind” or “prana”; “mukta” means “release” and “asana” means “pose”. Therefore, Pawanmuktasana is a group of asanas that   is aimed at removing any blockages preventing the free flow of energy in the body and mind. It is one of the special contributions of the teachings of Swami Satyananda Saraswati.   You can find them in full in the book Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha. These series can be performed by a beginner or advanced, young and elderly . They should not be ignored just because the practices are simple, gentle and comfortable. In this and the next couple of publications we will cons

Benefits of Yoga for Pregnancy and Labour

I have always loved children, but it is not until I became a Mother, I could realize how magical it is to welcome a little Angel appearing into this world and watch him or her grow and develop every day. For me this wonderful bond started when my Husband and I discovered that I was pregnant. The time of pregnancy is a period when the connection between the mother and the Baby is as strong as it will ever be again. I won’t go into the detail, but I have always feared Childbirth, since my Childhood, even if it sounds strange. Just because my Mother has been telling me all my life how bad her experience with me was. All because she went into this totally unprepared, without any preconception what was waiting for her.   So I am very grateful to my Mother for that, because her example inspired me to learn so much and to prepare as best as I can to ensure that I have a natural childbirth, working in unison with our Baby to get him out into this world and being totally aware of t

Benefits of Practicing Yoga for the Spine

  “You may die, but you will never grow old if your spine stays flexible.” Yogi Bhajan (Kundalini Yoga Master) People come to yoga and decide to stay with it for various reasons. As Mark Stephens states, Yoga is an unending process of self-discovery and self-transformation. Often towards becoming a “better yourself”. Even if it is only about a physical state. Recognising that individual path in yoga is so very different, there are some common benefits that yoga can bring to the everybody’s health. In this abstract I would like to cover the benefits of practising yoga for the spine. The spine is involved in every yoga asana, more than any other part of the skeleton. Many people are attracted to yoga initially to improve stability, mobility and overall functioning of spine [1]. Problems with spine are sometimes referred to as one of the “deseases” of the century. With the development of technology, people spend more and more time sitting in front of the computer