
Showing posts from November, 2017

Benefits of Yoga for Children in Schools

Yoga is an ancient discipline originating from India. It is based on unifying the mind with the body and soul for greater mental and physical wellbeing; it consists of series of poses, meditation, controlled breathing and other techniques.   By practicing yoga postures, bones are brought into alignment and muscles are strengthened, stretched and relaxed. In turn, blood is oxygenated, helping to tone the nervous system, improve circulation, promote flexibility and release tension.   Continuous practise counteracts the effects of stress and eventually bringing us to a more centred place. As a result, we become more integrated, focused and relaxed. Recently yoga has been added to Unesco list of intangible world heritage for its’ incredible positive influence into various aspects on society and proven benefits to every individual practitioner. This is followed by the endorsement of a UN International Yoga Day to acknowledge the growth of yoga’s popularity worldwide.   It is now pract

Chakra system. How can a varied yoga practice affect the Chakra system?

      Chakra System Definition. It is considered that the knowledge about chakras came to yogis in the deep meditation, and they described the chakras as the flowers of lotus. Even though the chakras are located in the subtle body, they influence the physical body. The Sanskrit word chakra translates to a “wheel” and means the energy centres within the body, that help to regulate all its processes, from organ function to the immune system and emotions. There are multiple chakras in the body, however 7 of them, located along the central energetic channel, are specially connected with the person’s evolution. The chakras, located at the bottom part of the energetic chain, are connected to the basic condition of the mindset. Chakras, located in the higher parts of the chain, are responsible for a higher intellect, for the development of compassion and altruism. Each chakra is a point which connects multiple nadis. Nadis are the subtle channels through which the prana flows. There